Natural Deodorant: What Works For Us

Natural Deodorant: What Works For Us

I made the switch to natural deodorant years ago. I switched all of my hygiene products to more natural or organic formulas that had as little chemicals as possible. Natural deodorant was on my list of priorities because they keep going back and forth on whether or not antiperspirants cause breast cancer. It has never been confirmed but I didn’t want to take the chance.

 In my bio I mentioned that I tested positive for the brca-1 gene mutation in 2011. It basically means that the chance of me getting breast cancer is 87%. Not good.  I did a lot of research and spoke with my doctors about possible chemicals or foods that can increase my chance of getting cancer. I decided to avoid all of those things if I could to decrease my risk. I underwent a double mastectomy in 2012 at the age of 25. It wasn’t a difficult decision for me because I just wanted to lessen my chance of cancer, no matter what I had to do. After I had my surgery, I slowly transitioned to as many natural products as I could in my home. Deodorant was one of the hardest transitions for me. There are sooo many out on the market and everyone swears by a different one. I tried around 15 different brands. I did find a couple that would work for a few hours but I would have to reapply during the day. It was super annoying. I kept going back and forth between deodorant and antiperspirant until someone recommended Primal Pit Paste to me. I read all about the detox phase which basically is your body adjusting to not using antiperspirant anymore. You sweat a lot and it stinks. Mine lasted only a couple weeks. I eat pretty clean so I don’t have a huge smell issue but when I have stress sweat, it’s not pleasant. I decided to try Primal Pit Paste in March 2017 because it was winter and I figured that was the best time to try it out. For the sake of this post, I went through my Amazon purchase history to see exactly when I started using it, I wanted to show how much I really do love the stuff. I did read reviews and people were having some skin issues from it. One of the main ingredients in it is baking soda so it can irritate some peoples skin. I have sensitive skin and I can say it never bothered me. I once made my own paste from a recipe I found on Pinterest and not only did it not work, it irritated my skin and it flaked on clothing. I was over that experiment quick! I only have to apply this once in the morning, it does not get on my clothes and yes I sweat but it never smells. Finally my husband decided to try it. He has been using 3 different natural brands that he would pick up when he would go shopping because he liked the smell. I always told him to use Primal Pit Paste but he wanted to test everything. The man finally decided to try mine one day and loved it!! He came home and told me to order him some asap! He couldn’t believe how good it worked and that he didn’t have to reapply at all. I work out 5 days a week and I can tell you that it even works during a heavy lifting session or some HITT cardio, super impressive.

You can purchase it here

I tried lavender, Rosemary Lavender and Jasmine. I haven’t tried anything else because I just love Lavender. My husband ordered the Rosemary Lavender and I have to say, I want to get that for myself next time! They also have unscented if you just don’t like smell or are sensitive to it. You don’t need the smell, because the ingredients do all the work, the scent is for fun!

Ingredients in it are: Organic coconut oil, aluminum free baking soda, organic shea butter, organic arrowroot powder, vitamin E and organic beeswax. They add in the essential oils and boom, amazing natural deodorant with limited ingredients that get the job done!

I didn’t want to list all the brands that I tried and didn’t like because I don’t feel it’s fair for me to say they don’t work, they just didn’t work for me. Every body is different and each of our natural scents and chemistry may work better or worse with different ingredients. I wanted to give an honest non paid review of a product that changed things for me. I have my oldest daughter using it as well, it’s perfectly safe for her to use which I love! If you haven’t made the change or aren’t super happy with your current deodorant, give this a try!! Who knows, it can totally be a game changer for you as well!