Must Haves for 6-12 Month Babies

Must Haves for 6-12 Month Babies

Now the fun really begins.  Your baby’s personalities will start to shine during this time.  They’ll go from crawling, to saying their first word(s), to walking, and giggling up a storm.  This stage is so fun and meant to be enjoyed.  To help you enjoy it more, I’ve put together a list of things that will give more time with your little one as well as what really helped our family get through those crucial six months.

Photo: Amazon
  1. Neato BotVac

I cannot recommend this little guy enough.  We named ours Alfred, and Alfred has been a lifesaver.  I wake up and my floors are clean, so when little man was crawling all over the place, I didn’t have to worry about him ending up with handfuls of dog hair and dirt.  Especially since babies find that they need to place everything they find into their mouths; this will definitely give you peace of mind knowing that it won’t be anything gross.  I know there are lots of great robot vacuums on the market, but I specifically liked the Neato because they clean in a back and forth patter rather than bopping around aimlessly around a room, making the Neato more efficient.

Photo: Amazon

2. Play Mat

In our little guy’s playroom, we’ve lined the floor with this padded flooring.  As they learn to walk, it looks like they’re drunk.  Falling and tripping and falling over everything.  This helped him feel comfortable to keep trying if he fell, and helped my husband and I feel comfortable because we knew he wasn’t going to hurt himself when he took a spill.  Having your heart not skip a beat every time they trip is nice…really nice.

Photo: Amazon

3. Playpen

Also in his playroom is this playpen gate that we surrounded the play mats with.  This serves multiple uses when they’re mobile.  1) the dogs aren’t all up in his business and toys; 2) if I needed to run to the bathroom I was able to lock the gate and he’s confined to a small little padded area with just his safe toys; 3) it keeps him out of things he should not be in or around (aka. delaying baby proofing a bit).

Photo: Amazon

4. Car Seat Cover

If you live in a hot place like I do, then you’re aware of how hot cars can get in the summer.  Remember that when you transition to a big kit car seat, you are no longer taking them out of the car with you.  This little baby keeps the car seat nice and cool even on the hottest day so my little guy isn’t sweating and uncomfortable. 

Photo: Amazon

5. Summer Playard

When we traveled to someone’s house, camping, or just playing outside, this little pen is so easy to set up and take down.  Again, not having to worry about the little guy getting into anything he shouldn’t, falling and hurting himself, or having the pups in his face.  It also comes with a great little sun shade so you don’t have to worry about them being in the sun.  Place some toys and books in there and babies are happy campers.

Photo: Amazon

6. Walker or Push Toy

At 4 months old we bought my little man a truck walker that matched his dad’s real truck.  The kid looooved this toy so much!  We could barely get him out of it.  At first he’d just sit in it and want to be pushed around the house.  Then, he started walking himself around.  Soon after, running around the house and chasing the dogs which he thought was hilarious (they did not).  He couldn’t get enough of this walker and it was his absolute favorite until he could walk on his own.

Photo: Amazon

7. Baby Proofing

Just get it done early.  They’ll go from not caring or knowing how to get into anything to getting into everything in a blink of an eye.  Just have your cabinet locks, baby gates, plug caps, etc. on hand so when you notice that they’re getting really curious, you’re ready to go.

Photo: Amazon

8. Sippy Cups

As soon as you can introduce plain water to your little one, do it.  It will take them a little bit to get the hang of drinking from a cup.  We started wit a cup with a small nipple on it and once he mastered that, we immediately switched to these Munchkin cups with no spout at all.  These have helped him be able to drink from our cups if he wants to taste something we’re drinking and even out of water bottles with no issues.  I’m confident that when he understands not to just dump stuff out or drop it on the floor if he doesn’t want it, that the transition to a regular glass will be seamless for the little guy.

Photo: Amazon

9. Boon Pulp Silicone Feeder

As you start to introduce solids to your little one, these things make it so easy for you and them. As they learn the chewing motion, food is pushed out through the little holes. It’s also great when they’re teething to put some semi-frozen fruit and let them chomp on that to numb their gums.

Photo: Amazon

10. Sleep Sacks

These are the best things ever!  They come in thin materials for hot weather, medium materials for fall and spring, and heavier material for the cold winter nights.  Get one of each.  You won’t worry about your little one getting cold at night, and they’ll feel nice and warm and comfy.

Photo: Amazon

11. Toothbrush

The best decision I made was getting my little guy a toothbrush as soon as he started popping up teeth.  He is so fascinated by my husband and I brushing our teeth with electric toothbrushes, so we had to get him a baby one as well.  He loves brushing his teeth now and knows we’re heading to the bathroom in the mornings and before bed.

12. Fels Naptha

This may be the best kept secret ever when it comes to laundry. When your little one starts eating baby food and solids, you now get into the real messes. It will be all over their clothes and some may even stain, right? Wrong. Fels Naptha has removed every single stain my son, husband, dogs, and even me, have thrown at it. From food to rust, this bar makes clothes looks good at new. It may take a couple of washes, but keep on rubbing that bar into the stains and I assure you, it will come out.

Be sure to check out NEW PARENT ITEMS AND TIPS FOR BABIES 0 TO 6 MONTHS (AND BEYOND) post for tips and tricks as well as items I still use today.