Detox Waters (Skin & Hair, Anti-Aging, Metabolism, Energy)

Detox Waters (Skin & Hair, Anti-Aging, Metabolism, Energy)

Staying hydrated is the most important thing for summer.  The heat can really get to people and cause major health problems.  I live in a place where we frequent triple digits in the summer months.  Constantly having water throughout the day keeps me from getting headaches, dehydration, and heat exhaustion.  Even my little guy shares some of these with his dad and I throughout the day.

They’re especially great for those who need something other than plain water to feel satisfied.  I love water, but I’ll admit that sometimes I need a little flavor to keep me reaching for it during the day.  These detox waters not only help you satisfy your thirst because they taste great, but they’ll also combat everyday health issues we look to stay on top of to keep us feeling and looking good.

Detox water benefits are mainly for hydration, but being infused and eating foods you’ve infused your water with, will really help with your health also.  I like to make a large half gallon pitcher of these and fill my 32 oz mason jar throughout the day so I can easily track how much water I’m drinking.  It’s recommended to drink your weight in water (i.e. if you weigh 120lbs then drink 120 oz of water). These four waters are specifically designed to help with skin and hair, anti-aging, metabolism, and energy. 

Skin & Hair – 32 oz serving

This is the favorite in my household.  I’m not one who’s a big fan of coconut water, but this one is delicious.

Blueberries are a no surprise a superfood.  They are packed with antioxidants and eating blueberries regularly can help you maintain that youthful looking skin and even reverse signs of sun damage.  These little blue bundles of joy are also high in vitamin A and C which can reduce wrinkles and premature aging, but also boost collagen production.  Who doesn’t want that?! 

Kiwis are high in vitamin C, which we know from above can reduce wrinkles and premature aging, and boost collagen production.  They are also packed with vitamin E which helps keep moisture in your skin and regenerate your skin cells.  It’s like exfoliating from within!

Mint is a natural anti-inflammatory.  It can keep oil production at bay which will help with acne and because it’s loaded with vitamin A, it can reduce wrinkles and premature aging.

Coconuts are high in antioxidants and fatty acids which can slow the aging process and reverse signs of aging.  It is also attributed to maintaining moisture.  Because it’s naturally antibacterial and antifungal, it will help keep skin healthy.  It’s also high in lauric acid which can help strengthen hair and skin.

To make add:

  • 1 kiwi, sliced
  • 1 handful of blueberries
  • 3 bunches of mint (about ¼ cup of leaves)
  • Coconut water

Place kiwi, blueberries and mint in the glass and fill remaining with coconut water.  Give it a good shake or stir and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours but up to 24 hours.  It will taste better the longer it infuses.

Anti-Aging – 32 oz serving

Pineapple is one of the best anti-aging foods. Vitamin B and magnesium reduce in our bodies over time.  Luckily, pineapple is packed with both and can help your body maintain optimal levels.  No surprise pineapple is high in vitamin C and we all know vitamin C is key to maintaining a healthy immune system and reducing inflammation.

Ginger seems to be in everything these days and for good reason.  It’s incredibly high in antioxidants and is also a natural anti-inflammatory. It aids digestion, gastrointestinal health, and heart health.  It boosts circulation, which moves oxygen throughout your body and to your cells and also helps with the natural detoxification process of the body.

Tumeric is similar to ginger in its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  It has also been contributed to preventing cancer. It’s also responsible for giving this water its yellow appearance.

To make add:

  • ½ cup pineapple chunks
  • 2 1-inch pieces of fresh ginger root
  • 2 1-inch pieces of fresh turmeric root, or ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Water

Place pineapple, ginger, and turmeric in a glass and fill with water.  Give it a good shake or stir and allow to sit in fridge for 2-24 hours.  Feel free to muddle the pineapple a bit so the ginger doesn’t overpower the flavor.

Metabolism – 32 oz serving

Lemon contains large amounts of vitamin C and electrolytes.  It also tastes great and although acidic when it enters your body, it breaks down as an alkaline, which will help your body maintain an optimal pH. 

Cayenne like all hot peppers contain capsaicin.  Capsaicin is known for its metabolism boosting properties by increasing the amount of heat your body produces, which in turn will cause your body to regulate its temperature and therefore, burn calories.

Apple Cider Vinegar has been a force to be reckoned with when it comes to health properties, and deservingly so.  Its most impressive benefit would be the lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol. It also acts as an appetite suppressant helping you consume fewer calories which feeling more satisfied.    

How to make:

  • ½ lemon, sliced
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • Water (hot water is best)

Add lemon, cayenne and apple cider vinegar to a glass.  Fill with water and stir or shake. Add a touch of honey or maple syrup if the spicy bothers you. It’s almost like a spicy lemonade.

Energy – 32 oz serving

Oranges full of simple sugars and vitamin C reduce fatigue and boost energy levels without the crash.

Apples are high in fiber and carbohydrates that provide needed energy to your body and brain and are also low on the glycemic index keeping your satisfied longer.

Cinnamon stabilizes both energy and blood sugar levels.  Containing large amounts of antioxidants and reducing cholesterol levels are other health perks.

How to make:

  • ½ orange, sliced
  • ½ apple, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Water

Add orange, apples, and cinnamon to a glass.  Fill with water and stir or shake.  Let sit in the fridge for 2-24 hours.

Give these waters a try this summer and get ready to pee non-stop!

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