Postpartum Belly Binding

Postpartum Belly Binding

Having 3 girls you learn tips and tricks that help you through your pregnancies and after. One of those things for me was postpartum belly binding. I read all about this when I was pregnant with my second daughter and was so curious if it would work for me. I decided to take the plunge and get one to try after she was born, I’m so glad I did!

What is belly binding?

During and after childbirth your body releases hormones, one of those being Relaxin. It helps your ligaments and muscles soften to prepare for child birth. Relaxin stays in your system for about 6-8 weeks post birth. While it is still in your system, it is beneficial to wrap your abdomen to help your body move back into pre-pregnancy position. When you bind or wrap your belly postpartum, you are helping your ligaments return to their normal position. You are also helping support your core muscles and correct your posture. Binding helps shrink your uterus back down to a normal size quicker and the compression helps flush the postpartum bleeding (just like when the nurses rub your uterus post birth to help it flush and contract).

How long did I belly bind?

I wore it every day for 6 weeks. I would take it off at night and when I would shower. I know some people say that it is annoying and they just couldn’t do it. For me, I loved it because my back would be very sore and weak postpartum, this was great support until my core could regain strength. It protected my back from injury carrying around my baby and it also would help me feel more “pulled together”, it just felt better.

36 weeks pregnant vs. 12 days postpartum

I had a vaginal delivery with all 3 girls so I was able to put it on right after birth. I would usually do it when I would come home from the hospital. If you have a cesarean, ask to make sure it is ok. Most of my friends would get binders from their hospital after surgery to help support them.

Which one did I get?

I purchased the BFF Belly Bandit. This one conformed to my body much better than the others I tried out. It is on the pricier side but I used it through 2 girls and then passed it on to Steph. It has seen a lot of use. You can check out the Belly Bandit website and see all the options they have on there, there are all different materials and even cute designs!

They aren’t for everyone but for me, I felt so much better when I would have it on, it helped with pain in my back and stomach and my uterus shrank back down so much quicker with my 2 younger girls then it did with my first. If I had any other babies (which I am not haha) I would hands down wear one again. I always recommend them because I loved my personal experience!